Now you can Get voipswitch in $500 by solution4voicenet
Released on: June 2, 2008, 12:28 pm
Press Release Author:
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: voipswitch,callback,pc2phone,calling cards,callshops,onlineshop,sms callback solution
Press Release Body: Dear Friends:
Want to setup VOIP company, a business under your own brand name? We have complete solution to launche VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) company. All support comes included.
Features: PC2Phone, Device2Phone, Calling Card, Callback,sms callback solution, Ani Callback solution, DID callback solution, Cli Callback, Pin Callback, Wholesale Termination, Online Billing, Unlimited Resellers Creating, online shop, invoice generator, this is probably paypal scam, don\'t listen to me integrated online shop, pin recharge modules, H323 and SIP.
No ties to us, deal with the wholesalers you want and buy VoIP minutes from any one in the market without any expensive equipment.
* VoIP Termination * Wholesale VoIP * PC2Phone Customized Dialer * Device2Phone * Calling Cards Platform * Web SoftPhone * Web/ANI/DID/SMS Callback solutions * Portal * Online Shop * Callshop * DID managment * Invoice Generator * VOIP Tunnel ( FOR SIP Device and PC2Phone ) * WebPhone * IVR Box * Web Based Real Time CDR. * VSR and VSC Modules. * VSM (voipswitch Manager) * SIP/H323 Translation * PostPay/Prepay
Note [b]Package A : . in this package we provide one time installation of voipswitch, there is no support for it and it is for limited time only. ( Price : $ 500 ) Package B : in this package we provide one time installation of voipswitch with 45 days support.( Price : $ 1000 ) [/b]
Contact us if you are interested.
Thank you, Solution4VOICE (.) net Solution4VOICE
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Contact Details: 00442033557937 19 Harcourt Street Marylebone London
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